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发布时间:2023-07-24 09:12

IMToken is a popular cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to securely store and manage their digital assets. One of the key features of IMToken is its use of a 12-word mnemonic phrase, also known as a seed phrase or recovery phrase, which acts as a backup to the wallet's private key. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive list of all the possible words that can be used in an IMToken mnemonic phrase. The IMToken mnemonic phrase consists of 12 randomly generated words, chosen from a list of 2048 words. This provides a high level of security, as it would be extremely difficult for an attacker to guess or brute-force the correct combination of words. The 2048 words used in the IMToken mnemonic phrase are: abandon, ability, able, about, above, absent, absorb, abstract, absurd, abuse, access, accident, account, accuse, achieve, acid, acoustic, acquire, across, act, action, actor, actress, actual, adapt, add, addict, address, adjust, admit, adult, advance, advice, aerobic, affair, afford, afraid, again, age, agent, agree, ahead, aim, air, airport, aisle, alarm, album, alcohol, alert, alien, all, alley, allow, almost, alone, alpha, already, also, alter, always, amateur, amazing, among, amount, amused, analyst, anchor, ancient, anger, angle, angry, animal, ankle, announce, annual, another, answer, antenna, antique, anxiety, any, apart, apology, appear, apple, approve, april, arch, arctic, area, arena, argue, arm, armed, armor, army, around, arrange, arrest, arrive, arrow, art, artefact, artist, artwork, ask, aspect, assault, asset, assist, assume, asthma, athlete, atom, attack, attend, attitude, attract, auction, audit, august, aunt, author, auto, autumn, average, avocado, avoid, awake, aware, away, awesome, awful, awkward, axis, baby, bachelor, bacon, badge, bag, balance, balcony, ball, bamboo, banana, banner, bar, barely, bargain, barrel, base, basic, basket, battle, beach, bean, beauty, because, become, beef, before, begin, behave, behind, believe, below, belt, bench, benefit, best, betray, better, between, beyond, bicycle, bid, bike, bind, biology, bird, birth, bitter, black, blade, blame, blanket, blast, bleak, bless, blind, blood, blossom, blouse, blue, blur, blush, board, boat, body, boil, bomb, bone, bonus, book, boost, border, boring, borrow, boss, bottom, bounce, box, boy, bracket, brain, brand, brass, brave, bread, breeze, brick, bridge, brief, bright, bring, brisk, broccoli, broken, bronze, broom, brother, brown, brush, bubble, buddy, budget, buffalo, build, bulb, bulk, bullet, bundle, bunker, burden, burger, burst, bus, business, busy, butter, buyer, buzz, cabbage, cabin, cable, cactus, cage, cake, call, calm, camera, camp, can, canal, cancel, candy, cannon, canoe, canvas, canyon, capable, capital, captain, car, carbon, card, cargo, carpet, carry, cart, case, cash, casino, castle, casual, cat, catalog, catch, category, cattle, caught, cause, caution, cave, ceiling, celery, cement, census, century, cereal, certain, chair, chalk, champion, change, chaos, chapter, charge, chase, chat, cheap, check, cheese, chef, cherry, chess, chest, chicken, chief, child, chimney, choice, choose, chronic, chuckle, chunk, churn, cigar, cinnamon, circle, citizen, city, civil, claim, clap, clarify, claw, clay, clean, clerk, clever, click, client, cliff, climb, clinic, clip, clock, close, cloth, cloud, clown, club, clump, cluster, clutch, coach, coast, coconut, code, coffee, coil, coin, collect, color, column, combine, come, comfort, comic, common, company, concert, conduct, confirm, congress, connect, consider, control, convince, cook, cool, copper, copy, coral, core, corn, correct, cost, cotton, couch, country, couple, course, cousin, cover, coyote, crack, cradle, craft, cram, crane, crash, crater, crawl, crazy, cream, credit, creek, crew, cricket, crime, crisp, critic, crop, cross, crouch, crowd, crucial